Download RAM Idle 2
Build your super computer, and resolve the puzzle!
Looking for fun games to play at work? Apparently, everything is suitable for idle gameplay, because you’d never guess a computer can be assembled through idle mechanics. The CPU is generated with a clock speed generator (huh?), memory modules pop out of a RAM printer (say what?), Multi-core, multi-threading… all created by idle progression. This makes it a great easy game to play during work breaks.
Unlike other office-friendly idle games, this one is more than just numbers ticking upward: it has a storyline! As you assemble the computer, you will decode broken bytes to uncover the answers that lie beneath. This unique feature makes it a relaxing game to play at work when you need a mental break.
Easter egg: The calculator on the simulated desktop is actually functional.
Just sayin’: That desktop background color is way too loud.